Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

10 Ways To Trick Santa

Top 10 Ways To Confuse Santa Claus on Christmas

10. Instead of milk and cookies leave Santa a Weight Watchers bar and a note explaining that you think he could stand to lose a few pounds!

9. While Santa’s in the house... go find his sleigh and write him a speeding ticket!

8. While Santa’s in the house... replace all his reindeer with exact replicas. Then wait and see what happens when he tries to fly!

7. Keep a bull in your living room. If you think a bull goes crazy when he sees a little red cape, wait until he sees that big fat Santa suit!!

6. Leave a note by the telephone telling Santa that Mrs. Claus called and wants to remind him to pick up a loaf of bread on his way home.

5. Take everything out of your house as if it has just been robbed. When Santa arrives, show up dressed like a policeman and say, "Well, well, well… They always return to the scene of the crime"

4. Leave out a copy of your Christmas list with last-minute corrections.

3. Leave out a Santa suit with a dry-cleaning bill.

2. Instead of Christmas ornaments decorate your tree with pumpkins!

1. Dress up like the Easter Bunny. Wait for Santa Claus to come and then say, "This neighborhood ain't big enough for the both of us buddy!!"

Cell Phone Comic

Picture from Google Chrome.  Posted by Kyle, Jose, and Olivia

Friday, March 23, 2012

5 Jokes

What's brown and sticky? A Stick.
What do you call a fish with no eyes?  Fshhh.....
What kind of dance do you do on a trampoline? Hip-hop!
Where do horses live? In a Neighh-borhood!
Where do penguins go swimming? At the South Pool!
Made by Jose,Olivia and Kyle

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

6x6 Sudoku Puzzle

Sudoku puzzle 6x6. Created by Kyle Olivia and Jose!  Original Design gotten from Google Chrome, but remade with different numbers.  Have Fun!

Friday, March 16, 2012

JOKES  by Kyle, Olivia and Jose
Knock knock. Who’s there? Yah. Yah who? Dot com.
What did the cat say after eating two robins lying in the sun?  I just love Baskin Robin
Knock knock. Who’s there? The. The who. Yyyyyyaaaahhhhhh.
Knock knock. Who’s there? I eat mop. I eat mop who? Hahaha.
What do you call a deer with no eyes?  I have no Eye deer.
What has six wheels and flies? A garbage truck.
A math teacher asks a boy what 2, 4, 10, 17 are.  The boy replies HBO, Zoom, Sony and Pogo.
What did zero say to the eight? Nice belt.
Why can’t animals at the zoo take tests?  Too many cheetahs!
Knock Knock.  Who’s there? Boo. Boo who?  Gosh, it’s just a joke you don’t have to cry about it.