Friday, October 26, 2012

                                             BY: RYAN

A unicorn is a legendary animal that some people say is mythical. There has been some cave drawing of them found in South Africa and in South America. A unicorn is a horse -like creater with a huge horn in the middle of its head and now today we call the unicorn. South america at 1977, scientist believed that once lived in south america and then were hunted to extintion but still there has been no fossils found of them.some scientists say there is no such thing of them.Some people say a unicorns have gold or white horns  and was the same size as a donky or a goat and had a head of a deer , the body of a horse and a tail of a lion ,and a baerd of a goat too. They say it was a symdoly of faithfullness and purity and were also knowen for there speed and strength.


                                               The Unicorn      

                                                     by Jessica 

      The unicorn is a legendary mythical creature invented by the European Folklore. It is originally white with a golden spiraling horn on its forehead. It is most imanginary animal of the middle ages. The European Folklore said it and power to elminate poisoned water and help sickness. Some people said they couldn't control themself. A unicorn is often described as a hores with a goat's hooves.


                                               THE WII-U

By Colin Lasch and Johnathan Zomerodi

 The Wii-U is a new kind of Wii. You can control your TV through the Wii-U game tablet. You can also touch the screen to build stuff. It uses a iPad format for the game tablet. You can play as the good, the bad, and the ugly.

There are many games for the Wii U. My favorite game is SUPER MARIO BROS. U. My second favorite is LEGO CITY UNDERCOVER. My least favorite game is ZOMBIU. These are a few games you can play on the Wii U.
                                                                   (Jonathan is typing now.)

I think the wii u is just like a wii and just copy righted it.It goes on the internet and you can email on it. Also it can have the same games on it.And lastly you can do demos on it.(Colin is now typing.)I think the Wii U is going to be a big hit.